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Meet Dr. Kike

Your Medication Free Health Expert

​A Functional medicine physician, health coach and public health specialist, Dr. Kike specializes in medication-free chronic disease management through her breakthrough nutrition and lifestyle protocol NutriShift. She developed her strategy for reversing chronic diseases through a personal experience with an autoimmune disease condition, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and extensive training at the Institute for Functional Medicine.


'With an understanding of how important a personal touch, listening ears and continuous support is to an individual with chronic illness; I care for my patients not just from my head, but from my heart.'

 -Kike Oduba MBBS, MPH, CIC

Dr. Kike helps people with chronic complex diseases reverse progression of their symptoms, using practical dietary and lifestyle changes, so they can live wholesome healthy lives without dependence on prescription medications. Here is her story of reversing an autoimmune diagnosis of Hashimoto's Thyroidits to a medication free healthy life...

My Story


...but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

-Jeremiah 17:8


'You have an incurable condition, you will live on prescriptions for the rest of your life'    -Immunologist

From Doctor to Patient

It was like a sentence to life in prison when I was told that I would need prescription thyroid hormone replacement to survive for the rest of my life. I was only 29 years old at the time, a wife and a mother of 2 who was pursuing her graduate degree in public health, with a diagnosis of Autoimmune Thyroid disease.


The thought of depending on medications to survive left a deep desire for answers and other alternatives to healing my body different from the options my colleagues in conventional medicine offered. I was given a cocktail of several drugs to be used daily that left me feeling terrible due to severe side effects. Though I was once a student and proponent of conventional medicine, it failed me at one of the most crucial points of my life.


Physician Heal Thyself

It took a combination of diet, exercise, nutraceuticals and summarily, lifestyle changes to restore my health. I depended heavily on self education, pig headed determination and an absolute trust in God to help me find remission of my symptoms. Through functional medicine, I explored the principles of wellness and healing for my body and I have never looked back since then. I was able to discover ways to heal my thyroid and reverse immune attack on my body by eliminating underlying low grade inflammation.




"Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Thy Medicine Be food"
- Hippocrates

Within a 6 month period, I went through a 5-step process of extensive detoxification, eliminating food sensitivities, and restoring all nutrient deficiencies before I was able to recover and achieve remission of my symptoms with absolutely no prescriptions. Despite being told the only option for healing my body was to remove my thyroid surgically, I avoided surgery all together by eliminating various triggers of inflammation in my body. To this day, I eat well, sleep well and live a healthy life free of prescription medications-with my thyroid gland still intact.

Professional Bio

Medical Education

Dr Kike completed her bachelors in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Lagos Teaching Hospital in her home country Nigeria, after which she migrated to the United States to pursue a career in Chronic Disease Prevention and Public Health.


Public Health Work

She has served in various Public Health jurisdictions and played a key role as a thought leader in chronic disease prevention and Population Health. She has maintained  strong relationships in large hospital systems and agencies in the Colorado Tri-county region, Southern New Mexico and the Texas gulf coast region. She has trained numerous healthcare practitioners, public health workers and epidemiologists on syndromic surveillance for bio-terrorism related illnesses and influenza-like outbreak alerting systems. She is also pioneering new efforts to help families affected by COVID-19 recover quickly through her most recent project


Functional Medicine Practice

Her personal experience with a failed conventional medicine approach to treating chronic diseases compelled her to resume practice as a clinician to help people who may be suffering from the effects of long term pharmaceutical use and unnecessary surgical procedures that can be effectively  abated with dietary and lifestyle modifications. After completing in depth training on personalized healing of the whole person and treatment of chronic diseases through the Institute for Functional medicine, Dr. Kike launched her collaborative Functional Medicine and Nutrition Coaching practice, WellnessWits. She currently consults with patients remotely internationally and collaborates with physicians as a health coach locally in the Houston Texas Area, USA.


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